Oceamo Corrector Modifier Potassium 1L
Oceamo Corrector Modifier Potassium 1L
Oceamo Corrector - Customisable liquid sea salt
KH, Calcium or Potassium corrector Modifiers
In order to produce optimal seawater, 250 ml of modifier KH are required for 100l of finished seawater.
This sets an alkalinity of 7.5° dKH.
To produce optimal seawater, 250 ml of modifier Calcium are required for 100l of finished seawater.
This sets 425 mg/l calcium.
To produce optimal seawater, 250 ml of modifier are required for 100l of finished seawater.
This sets 390 mg/l potassium.
Deviating compositions (e.g. to correct water values in the aquarium) can easily be determined with the Corrector calculator. www.oceamo.com/corrector
The modifier can be measured using a measuring cylinder or syringe (depending on the required volume).
It is important to rinse the measuring cylinder (or the syringe) with osmosis water in between each modifier, since the different modifier solutions can form precipitates when they come into direct contact. The seawater should also always be mixed well when adding the modifier (e.g. using a flow pump).
Full information regarding Oceamo Corrector - Customisable sea salt
The new and completely unique system for the production of sea water. Consisting of a 10 x liquid concentrate making 100L, (Corrector ZERO)
Corrector ZERO contains perfectly balanced trace elements using the ultimate ICP-MS, but zero values for KH, Calcium and Potassium.
You can then set your desired values for these KH, calcium and potassium via the Modifiers which last up to 400 litres (Corrector MODIFIER)
Oceamo Corrector is ideal for
- Aquarium refills : Best possible start with optimal values !
– Effective and fast Correction of increased water values (Ca, KH, K) which need reducing through small regular water changes .
- Any water change can be planned perfectly using the online calculator
- You can water change with the exact desired values you want, which prevents fluctuations
- Optimum trace element profile : even ultra trace elements all based on ICP - MS measurements
are optimally adjusted, homogeneous and reproducible from batch to batch
- No increased manganese and iron values as with a large number of other sea salts
- Made only from high-purity pharmaceutical salts
- Efficient because its 10 - fold concentrate for Zero and 400 - fold for the Modifiers
- Greatest possible security regarding unwanted heavy metals
- Further information and calculator: www.oceamo.com/corrector
Generally, regular water changes are not recommended or even needed for a successful reef aquarium. But occasionally, there are instants where a water change is necessary and actually beneficial.
This is why Oceamo has produced the perfect, adjustable sea salt mix for these rare occasions.
An example could be that just one parameter, say Potassium was too high and detrimental to reef inhabitants. By using Corrector ZERO and the modifiers you can produce the perfect balanced sea salt mix to reduced the said high Potassium level back to safe levels and keeping all the others perfectly balanced still.
This is the only Sea Salt mix of its kind in the world that can do this, its unique and yet another premium and innovative product by Oceamo
Your very own customisable sea salt, for you to mix to your exact parameters with no potential of other contaminates getting in or increasing other parameters to dangerous values.